Join our awareness journey with fun and creativity!


2nd Edition of The Trash Art Awards – click here!

Since 2019, Andreas Noe aka The Trash Traveler is raising awareness about taking care of the ocean with fun and creativity.

1. “The Travel Trash Project”: 1 ton of plastic got collected along the coast of Portugal and 160 awareness videos and Ukulele songs were created.
2. “The Plastic Hike“: In 2020, The Trash Traveler hiked every single meter of the entire 832 km long coast of Portugal in 58 days to collect 1,6 tons of plastic with more than 100 NGOs and 560 people. All trash was transformed into awareness art!
3. “The Butt Hike“: In 2021, 1,1 million cigarette butts were collected in 38 cities and beach areas along the coast of Portugal together with more than 600 people and 70 NGOs. All butts are further raising awareness as art pieces along the coast!
4. “The Trash Cycle“: 2370 km around Portugal with a bicycle called Rosa, that got created out of 14 different second hand bike parts. Without a break day, The Trash Traveler, cycled and collected 4599 bottles and cans to collect signatures for the implementation of a deposit system in Portugal. Art will be created out of the bottles and cans to further raise awareness!
5. “World’s Biggest Butt Pick Up“: 2023: 1400 people helped picking up 750.000 cigarette butts within only 1 week in Portugal. News articles spread from China to Argentina, from Germany to the US. Little acts matter. It starts with 1 butt and ends up with caring for the ocean and climate.
6. “The Trash Art Awards“: A yearly community art competition to emphasise “it’s not about cleaning” but about education and awareness.
6. “The Ocean Hike“: In 2024, hiking 280 km around Madeira and Porto Santo to continue the mission of hiking the entire coast of Portugal to raise awareness. This time trash was “used” to talk about invivible issues in the ocean such as Deep Sea Mining. Local NGOs were supported in raising signatures for a petition. (950 kg trash collected).

REFUSE single-use plastics, REDUCE packaging as much as possible, RETHINK fish consumption and REUSE every item you own until it reaches the end of life – only then, recycle it.

Join our journey to take care of our planet, to act responsibly and demand companies and governments to take on responsibility for what they produce and do. If everyone tries to make an impact, we can achieve change together.


Petitions, Solutions, donations

We intend to ongoingly develop this part of the website to suggest petitions and solutions of businesses, NGOs or initiatives. We can all be change makers, even from our couch at home.

Let’s work together

2021 / 2022

Become a partner, sponsor or book our beautiful services. Clean ups, board game workshops, talks, documentary movie, Ukulele songs, art pieces, “The Butt Pyramid”, stop motion videos or Social Media collaborations. Or be a partner in the next years big adventure…