NGOs are working hard on protecting the ocean. This petition section will be updated once new petitions come up. Let’s be a change maker community and help the ones who fight for change. If you sign up for the newsletter, you will be also informed of new petitions.
Our nature is not a waste dump!
Stop unnecessary single-use plastics.
We call on the Swiss federal government: Stop shifting away your responsibility, but apply the instruments already in place within the Environmental Protection Act! Under this law, the Federal Council can ban the single-use plastic items, such as take-away items and plastic bags from the Swiss territory, independent of the material used, and can stop the sale of cosmetic and personal products containing microbeads in Switzerland.
Initiative by OceanCare.org
Deposit System Portugal: Our beaches and seas are full of beverage containers. Help us fight this scourge! Beverage container deposit systems are able to prevent millions of containers reaching our oceans, thus reducing the negative impact on the marine environment. In 2018, Portugal committed to implementing a beverage container deposit system, but it has to be implemented in the best possible way. Sign our petition and demand that the government adopts, by the end of the year 2021, a comprehensive and ambitious system, including plastic, but also glass bottles, cans and aluminum. The oceans cannot wait any longer. Neither can we!
Sharks and Rays: Guardians of the ocean in crisis: Sharks and Rays live in the ocean for more than 400million years and are crucial for healthy, diverse and productive marine ecosystems. Unfortunately in the last decades, due to overfishing, bycatch and rising demand for shark and rays products, like meat or liver oil, our guardians of the ocean are in crisis. Portugal ranks third in the european countries with more shark and rays captures and almost half of our shark and rays species are now threatened. Sign our commitment to not consume shark and ray products until they are effectively protected and our activities at sea don’t threaten their survival. They are much more important to our ocean than on our plate.
End Faroese Whale and Dolphin Hunts: On September 12th, more than 1,400 Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins and dozens of juveniles were killed in one single mass killing event in the Faroe Islands. This is the largest dolphin hunt in the islands’ history and possibly the largest single hunt ever undertaken worldwide. It happened in European waters at the doorstep of the European Union which grants these marine mammals the highest protection status and prohibits any direct takes.
Manifesto Refil: Have you ever felt as your hands are tied because you don’t have an option to reduce your plastic waste? So join us, to ask retailers to provide an affordable bulk offer for household and personal care!!! A group initiative of ANP|WWF, DECO, Sciaena, ZERO and Linked.Green
“Stop Finning – Stop the trade”: Although the removal of fins on board of EU vessels and in EU waters is prohibited and sharks must be landed with their fins naturally attached, the EU is among the biggest exporters of fins and a major transit hub for the global fin trade. EU is a major player in the exploitation of sharks and as inspections at sea are scarce fins are still illegally retained, transshipped, or landed in EU. We aim to end the trade of fins in the EU including the import, export and transit of fins other than if naturally attached to the animal’s body. As finning prevents effective shark conservation measures, we request to extend REGULATION (EU) No 605/2013 also to the trade of fins and therefore ask the commission to develop a new regulation, extending “fins naturally attached” to all trading of sharks and rays in the EU.