Join our hike of trash awareness with fun and positivity!

REFUSE single-use plastics, REDUCE packaging as much as possible and REUSE every item you own until it reaches the end of life – only then, recycle it.

In 2020, The Trash Traveler hiked along the entire 832 km long coast of Portugal in 58 days to raise awareness about plastic pollution together with more than 100 NGOs. 1,6 tons of plastic were collected but the coast is not clean at all… 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean yearly. We have to stop its source.

Plastic pollution starts with it’s production, using fossil fuels. The ocean starts with our actions, in our homes. Join our journey to take care of our planet, to act responsibly and demand companies to take on responsibility for what they produce. If everyone tries to make an impact, we can achieve change together. Check out the “The Plastic Hike” exhibition, documentary screenings and workshops.

The Plastic Hike

June – September 2021

27 art pieces out of ocean trash from 27 artists are placed throughout the city of Lisbon. Find the pieces, scan their QR codes, learn about the artists and we have extra surprises for you!

The Plastic Hike

June – September 2021

A documentary about the adventure in 2020 reflecting the work of NGOs and environmentalists of the coastline of Portugal. Watch the documentary in several locations along the coast.

The Plastic Hike

June – September 2021

Take part in our workshops to get inspired to take action.
Environmental board games, beach clean-ups, stop motion videos with trash. Exciting!

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